Vicki Kardos
Vicki brings the real life experience of being married to and dealing with the compulsive behavior of an addict. She also has extensive training and experience building and leading For Women Only – Betrayed Heart (FWO) groups for spouses. She co-authored a curriculum for a follow up group to Betrayed Heart Changing the Shadow of our Future dealing with codependency and boundaries. She also edited a collection of presentations by Vicki, Rick and other experts in the SA field His Problem—Her Dilemma the First Aid Kit to help the female partner better understand the issues surrounding SA and how it affects their lives. (E-mail orders for this set of CDs are received at
She is a Certified Pastoral Sexual Addiction Specialist through AACCSAS and a Certified Genesis Counselor – M. Dye’s Genesis Process. Vicki now sees clients using her Genesis training 3 days per week and leads FWO groups in the fall and spring of each year. Since leading her first group in 2003 FWO groups are now operating in as many as 11 churches in NH, MA, VT, ME and CT.
Both Rick and Vicki are available to present the Nathan Project plan and function of Christian solutions to sexual brokenness in workshops, seminars, men’s and women’s conferences, specific church events and small group gatherings.

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