Porn Creates Shame, Shame Fuels Porn Usage
Shame is the feeling that we are flawed and unworthy of love. Using porn creates shame, which isolates us, and we return to porn to cope. We call this the shame cycle.

Covenant Eyes Helps You Break the Cycle
The best way to break the cycle is to remove shame and isolation by opening up to a trusted friend and asking them to be an ally in your fight against porn. Covenant Eyes supports this relationship through the Covenant Eyes app and the Victory app.

When the Shame Cycle Is Broken, Change Is Possible!
Covenant Eyes helps you find freedom through transparency. By sharing your struggle and connecting with a trusted friend/ally, you can break the cycle, step out of the darkness, and start living in the light.

Welcome To The Nathan Project
The Nathan Project is a ministry providing hope, leadership, training, and place of recovery for men who struggle with the compulsive use of pornography and sexual addiction, the spouses and ex-spouses of these men and the families trapped in this menacing cycle of shame and addiction.
In the sexualized culture in which we live, the Nathan Project is determined to educate the church when invited that it may provide a safe environment to Restore, Renew & Rebuild broken men pursuing a life of integrity.
Our Mission of Hope: Engage, equip, and encourage Christian families struggling with pornography, sexual brokenness, and addiction. In New England, the Nathan Project offers a profoundly Christian solution. In the church, they will help build, manage, and sustain For Men Only (FMO)recovery and discipleship groups for sexually addicted men. FMO is a safe place where sobriety, recovery, and spiritual, emotional, and physical health can take place.
Our Vision: The church is a safe and open environment promoting the recovery of broken men, women and their families caught in the spiral of shame and, addiction. The Nathan Project will accomplish this vision through education of church leadership, small group training within the body and the availability to speak and preach on discipleship and recovery from pornography and sexual addiction in the family unit. The ministry of the Nathan Project will build up not tear down the Church in New England so in His strength it will prevail against the hyper-sexual culture attacking our families.
Facts About Pornography
10 Years Old
The average age a child first sees pornography in the United States.
Of Surveyed Children report seeing pornography for the first time at home.
Of surveyed Parents said they have never discussed internet pornography with their Children.
Of Teenagers encounter pornography without looking for it.
47 Million
Pornography videos are viewed daily by 7 to 14 year old's in the United States.
2.4 Million
People visit the Top 3 porn sites in the United States every minute.
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Our Founders

Since 2002 co-founders, husband and wife Rick and Vicki Kardos and the Nathan Project leadership team have engaged the ‘pornified’ culture in and out of the Church in a battle for the health of the family unit. They live in Goffstown NH. Rick and Zach Ellis the new Director of Communications and Development have an office in the North End of Manchester, NH. They attend Christ’s Church of Amherst in Amherst, NH holding past and current leadership roles in worship and men’s ministry.