Rick Kardos
Rick brings real life experiences as a healthy survivor of sexual addiction that began at age 13 and extensive training to build and oversee For Men Only (FMO) small groups from Pure Desire Ministries International in Gresham, OR. He is a Certified Pastoral Sexual Addiction Specialist through AACCSAS and a trained Genesis Counselor through Michael Dye’s Genesis Process Program. He provides limited crisis counseling to men in the early stages of admission to their struggle with pornography and sexual brokenness and the difficulty of full disclosure.
For the past 12 years he has lead and continues to lead an FMO group near his home. As executive director of the ministry he engaged the men in New England in regarding the use of pornography and addiction as the key workshop presenter for Iron Sharpens Iron Conference Ministry. Speaking to over 6,000 men meant growth from the one FMO group in 2003 to as many as fifty groups across New England. Rick edited and self publishes First Steps a four week guide FMO leaders use to introduce FMO and educate men on its operation before they enter a group. He and Vicki have 3 children, 2 living in NH and one in MO and 2 grandchildren only 4 minutes from their home.

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